Y |
Yvonne Payne |
This is a reply to a message sent to me 10 April 2024 (ypayne172@yahoo.come.au).
It relates to entry via the portal for rally competitors and crew.
The information provided was tested on the day of a recent rally where a driver needed a different navigator.
We followed the instructions, added the navigator to the driver's crew and Navigator/Co-Driver.
When we attempted to add the Navigator/Co-Driver it showed as him being Crew Chief or something obscure - NOT the Navigator/Co-Driver as had been selected and confirmed. We checked that we had entered and selected the correct role. Still no success. So we went with a paperbased change. The driver didn't have an existing Navigator/Co-Driver. so this was a 'new' one. The member/driver was Neil Ogden 1093682 if you nt to check it out.
We did have a similar problem with Eddie Maguire, 1054670, he needed to change his Navigator/Co-Driver, still no success with this either.
I know you mentioned there aren't any bugs ... but what advice can you provide when situations such as these present?
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Motorsport Australia
Status changed to: Under review
Motorsport Australia
Hi Yvonne, we have recently introduced an improved feature where entrants can have multiple Navigators and/or multiple Co-Driver/Navigators, I wonder if this may fix your reported issue. Check out this srticle here: help.motorsport.org.au/article/event-entry-v2-enter-event#:~:text=7.%20Click%20NEXT-,Rally%20or%20Off%20Road,-5.%20Choose%20up