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Where an entrant belongs to more than one MA club, the entrant needs to be able to select which club they wish to enter under...
Would be great if only the classes applicable to the event they are entering was brought into the particular entry.
Currently the entrant only gets a confirmation email when the event organiser changes the status of their entry from "Pending"...
Currently the event organiser has no advice of an entry being lodged other than checking the portal, It would make the event...
A system whereby an accredited official of an affiliated club can update a competitor's membership. At the moment I can type...
Is there a way we can permanently delete an entry to our event? When setting up an event, we generally do a few 'dummy...
A facility of hotlinking events on the Event Entry system would make it easier/simler/quicker to direct competitors to the...
might be less relevant as we move away from the Covid elf scrutiny regimen, but having a web form for competitors to complete...
Step 4 when entering and event is 'Reconnaisance Vehicle' details. Why can't this field be removed when an organiser is...
It is quite common for Off Road events to feature more than one Co-Driver and/or Navigator. For example, a driver/car owner may...