Confirmation emails to entrant

David Elliott

Currently the entrant only gets a confirmation email when the event organiser changes the status of their entry from "Pending" to "Accepted"
It would be great if emails were sent to the driver when their entry status is changed to any of the possible states:
Then when the club changes the status, another email needs to be sent. There are a number of flags available to the club:
The most useful one would be "received" which would be used when entry is received but the organiser is waiting for payment.
It would be useful for the emails to indicate the current status based on the above possibilities.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Motorsport Australia

Status changed to: In progress


David Elliott

Currently, the only email confirmation a competitor receives is when the organisor changes the status of the entry to "Accepted". It would be useful for the system to send an email for all changes, but particularly "received". The organisor often waits for payment before "accepting" the entry.


Motorsport Australia

Merged with: Send email for all changes in entry status


David Elliott

Has this feature had an update since "under review" 2 years ago?
It would seem a very simple change to make; in fact it's probably easier to implement than the current filter that block the other changes of state.


Lionel Walker

We recently experienced quite a number of entrants not receiving confirmation emails. Sending a confirmation email on "receipt" and another on "acceptance" after receipt of payment is essential.

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Matthew Anderson

Further request from The Jaguar Drivers' Club Of Australia:
- More transparency over the automated email system. e.g. a log for organisers to see what emails have been sent to entrants already.
- The ability to resend confirmation emails and/or edit the information sent, if required.

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Mat Wraith

Thanks for the suggestion, this request is under review.
If others have any feedback, please contribute in the comments and if you like the idea please 'vote up' by clicking the orange button.


Rod San Mateo

Status changed to: Under review