Cross Entry (SAME CAR)

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Rod San Mateo

ADD an OPTION to add/nominate additional driver(s) when entering an event. Some events such as Endurance Events and Regularity have more than TWO people using the same car.


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ICT Manager

Status changed to: Live


ICT Manager

We are thrilled to announce a new feature in the Motorsport Australia Event Entry app! Entrants can now include up to 4 cross entry drivers on the entry form. Previously, the entry form allowed only 1 primary driver and 1 cross entry driver. With this update, you can add more flexibility to your team by including additional drivers. Simply click the "ADD CROSS ENTRY - SAME CAR (MAXIMUM 4)" button, to add another driver and repeat for up to 4 cross entries. This enhancement aims to streamline the entry process and provide a better event management experience for all our users. We hope you find this new feature valuable and look forward to your feedback!
More information can be found here: help.motorsport.org.au/article/event-entry-v2-multiple-cross-entries

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Adam Tillett

Looking forward to using this feature at our next club khanacross! well done!


David Elliott

There is already the ability to add a second driver to an event entry, however, for motorkhana and other autotest type events, the same car can be shared by up to 4 drivers. Can the existing feature be expanded to allow the entrant to add up to 4 drivers?

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Mat Wraith

Status changed to: Under review