Event classes

Bruce Astbury

Would be great if only the classes applicable to the event they are entering was brought into the particular entry.


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Gregory Manderson

Bruce Astbury raised this issue 2 years ago (echoed by Sharon Porter & Karen Vella more recently) and its still probably the biggest issue with the entry system for Event Secs.
I have a new event that just opened. Using myself as a test entry and having correct classes set up, the system was still telling me that the Class I had selected was incorrect for the event. :-( It was correct!
While I only have 7x entries so far, >50% of Classes are incorrect for the event. This means a phone call to the entrant each time. When you call them, most seem confused about the process.

When a member enters an event, only the Classes available for that event should come up (as input as available Classes by the Event Sec) and be selectable by the member using a radio button. (no confusion with other Classes for other event types) ... this is per Bruce's original request.

The Event Secretary should then be able to change the Class selected (in consultation with the member) if the member has inadvertently selected the wrong Class.
With the current system >50% of Classes are incorrect at the time they enter (Hillclimbs v. Circuit especially).


John Clarke

It is a little confusing.My car has always been Group Nb, so cannot understand whay it should come out as "not invited" class. Casts doubts, although in fairness have not missed out on an entry to date over many years!


ICT Manager


Thank you for your message. I’ve reviewed all 17 events that you’ve entered and found that for just two events, the Event Organisers (Phillip Island Auto Racing Club Ltd) had not specifically included Group Nb in the 'Invited Classes'. These events were:

PIARC Island Magic 2023: evententry.motorsport.org.au/v2/events/4184
PIARC Island Magic 2024 Historic Touring Cars: evententry.motorsport.org.au/v2/events/4932
Please rest assured that this does not appear to have affected your ability to enter events, as you mentioned. If you encounter any issues in the future, feel free to let me know so we can investigate further and resolve them promptly.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention!

Best regards,


Sharon Porter

Do we have an update on this issue, I am sure this can be easily rectified. When the event organiser selects the event type ie Motorkhana or Khanacross only the specified classes for that event should show, instead of all the classes on the DB showing. The way it currently works would increase system resources at the backend.

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Karen Vella

As the secretary to most of our clubs events, the cometitors need to be able to only enter the classes I have on the sup regs. I have so many cars entered in the wrong classes. Would be handy for when they enter their cars they can pick the correct classes for Motorkhana and Khanacross

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Adam Tillett

I agree that there is a benefit to SOME events having a predefined class allocated to the cars in a Member's garage, but for those events that are often a collection of various disciplines (eg Hillclimb), the pre-determined classes are a big distraction, and sometimes force the event secretary into making a best guess. If the invited classes listed in the Entry Form had its own check box selection to be completed by the entrant (that ignores the classes listed in the nominated vehicle's profile), then the secretary could allocate the classes from this list. When I enter a Khanacross for example there are a 'crazy' number of classes to choose from in the vehicle profile and I would need to keep changing them from event to event in the garage.

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Brett Ross

Even though the entrant gets the warning about car classes, they still enter anyway, so now we have to work out car classes for almost half of the entries. I understand that some people may use the same vehicle for different disciplines, therefore having different classes for the same car. Maybe the car profile could be broken down into the different disciplines, with the correct class next to each. When entering an event, maybe the system could recognise what type it was and allocate the correct class accordingly?

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Mat Wraith

Bruce, thank you for contributing this feature request titled 'Event classes'
Can you please confirm if I have understand your request correctly.

Currently, during the Event entry process an entrant can choose any of their vehicles.
If the entrant chooses a vehicle that is not in a class that matches the invited classes, the entrant receives a warning:
'Your car class does not match the invited classes for the event. You may stall enter but your entry may not be accepted. Please contact the event organiser.'

Are you suggesting that an improvement would be to:
Filter the list of entrants vehicles to those that match the invited classes, so that entrants cannot choose a vehicle that does not match the invited classes.



Mat Wraith

Status changed to: Under review