Rally Event deletion of 'test' entries

Brett Ross

Is there a way we can permanently delete an entry to our event?
When setting up an event, we generally do a few 'dummy entries' to make sure the entry looks correct from the entrants perspective.
These entries are not required once an event goes live, but seem to stay there forever. There are options to change the Status, but none to Delete.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Motorsport Australia

Status changed to: In progress


Mat Wraith

Status changed to: Under review


Mat Wraith

We appreciate your suggestion to address the issue you raised. Just this morning, a colleague of mine proposed a similar idea that could potentially solve the problem. We discussed adding an additional event status called "Testing" between Pending and Activated. This feature would allow event organisers to test their event design and then reset it to have no entries once activated. We understand that this feature request is quite complex, and we welcome any feedback to help refine the design.
Your idea is under review, and we will carefully consider all feedback received.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and we appreciate your contribution to making our software even better.