Rally/Off Road Events - Classes & Garaging Not Appearing

Daniel Gorgievski

When creating a Rally/Off Road event in Event Entry, it does not offer the menu option to select Classes or Garaging options for the event. They appear when setting up a Circuit event but do not appear when creating a Rally/Off Road event. As there are many classes within both disciplines, it would be appropriate to include Classes as a menu option when creating an event.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Mat Wraith

Rally and Off Road Event Organisers can now make use of the Invited Classes section when creating new events.
We expect to make the Garaging option available shortly.


Mat Wraith

Status changed to: In progress


Rod San Mateo

Status changed to: Planned


Mat Wraith

Thanks for the suggestion, this request is under review.
If others have any feedback, please contribute in the comments and if you like the idea please 'vote up' by clicking the orange button.


Mat Wraith

Status changed to: Under review