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Junior can't add any details, requires a guardian. Enter my details but still can't update on his profile. Logged in to mine...
Despite having entered my car details in an application to join an event, they do not appear in the Dashboard. The side menu...
The pop up screen for uploading the medical file is so large, you can not see the "submit" button at the very bottom of the pop...
The fields on the credit card payment form as not standard HTML element types. The card expiry date should be two standard...
I am a existing Motorsport Australia L2S Licence holder, I applied for a Esports licence and due to being an existing licence...
No way to upload a picture on iPad or iPhone. You really need to look at this, it’s painful for every member surely. Now to try...
Hyperlink from the "Officials Forms - Application for an Event Assessment" to the "Motorsport Australia's Event Assessment...
Attempted to pay for my renewal however the month of my card expiry was greyed out how do i pay???? Please call to sort out...
When the Help screen opens and the information is digested, a return to home button would be helpfull
tried to update profile to change my email address but there is no option to change that.