Officials license upgrades

Motorsport Australia

Currently when officials wish to upgrade their license level they need to call the member services team, we are planning to have an online application form to improve this process.

Please vote up this feature if you like it or leave comments below if you have any ideas on how to improve this process.

A quick guide on how to use the Motorsport feedback site can be found here: https://help.motorsport.org.au/article/motorsport-feedback


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Donald Behets

Licence Renewal/Medical.
If it doesn't inconvenience and cost us enough your portal can't even accept the documents together due to size. I support my husband fully with his motor racing hobby, but you charge ridiculous fees and offer next to nothing in services and support.


John Reynolds

Had massive issues just trying to renew my LS2 lic issues with portal wouldnt get me past contacts page verification. Great technology when it works so this portal need some massive attension to streamline all the known issues (which I dont seem im the only one having similar issues). So I then needed to resort to phone call during business hours to get a cams/MSA staff member to get them to activate and update my records cause their failing new online portal system has bugs and faults in its back end. Rant over Have a good one. JKR


Mat Wraith

Hi John,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your recent experience with us. We're sorry to hear about the difficulties you encountered while trying to renew your LS2 license. We appreciate your feedback, and we're here to assist.

It's essential to us that our online portal is user-friendly and efficient, and we're constantly working to improve it. We've reviewed your case, and it appears that there was an issue related to the missing "Prefix" entry in the Profile section, which may have prevented you from progressing in the renewal process.

We appreciate your patience as we work to enhance the system. To help us further, we kindly ask if you could provide more specific details about any other challenges you may have encountered. Your feedback is invaluable in identifying and addressing issues, ensuring a smoother user experience for all.

Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience you experienced and are committed to making your future interactions with our platform more seamless. If you have any other feedback or questions, please feel free to share them. We're here to assist you.

Thank you for your understanding, and we look forward to hearing more from you. Have a great day!


James Eastwood

Why is my rally licence not valied ?


Mat Wraith

James, I have forwarded your enquiry to the Member services team


Mat Wraith


Expect one of our Member Services agents to contact you shortly.



Peter Fisher

The requirement for Working with Children has turned a simple application (as you say it is) into a bit of a headache with signatures required from MSA on the actual application form. Living in remote Western Australia, can you drop by and sign my form so i can renew my licence?


Mat Wraith

Hi Peter, You'll be glad to hear that we don't require a signature from Officials for the Working with Children checks.
Simply provide the Reference number, expiry date and upload a photo/scan of the document, see screenshot below.


Peter Fisher

Hi Mat, a signature is required on the Working With Children form from the organisation demanding we have this certification which is you guys, before we can submit it into the Post Office for processing. This requires a scan copy of the signature page to be sent, signed and returned. i am still waiting on a response to my email sent last Friday 15th for this exact result. Like I said, the renewal process is no longer a simple job.


Alan Heritage

Hello. I am in training to become a Scrutineering Official and have recently completed the General Official course work. Can you please let me know how I can obtain the General Official Passbook to get signed off when I attend practical training and assessments? Thanking you.


Rod San Mateo

Hi Alan, I've notified our membership team and they will get in touch with you soon and assist you with obtaining a 'General Official Passbook'.


Rod San Mateo

Hi Justin, apologies for the late response. One of our team members will be in touch with you to assist with your general officials licence renewal.


Justin Lines

Hi Team, trying to renew my officials general, states it requires WWC for QLD and VIC only, but I live in WA and it wont let my application proceed further, states PENDING. I didnt apply for one. Please assist.


Jeremy Cath

Coupled with digital passbooks to record activities, this would be much simpler (which reminds me, time to scan mine as it's renewal time!)

  • Z

Margaret Mackay

Feed back report is for the Computer Nerds - please make more simple


Mat Wraith

Hi Margaret, thanks for the feedback.
You can find a quick guide on how to use the Motorsport feedback site by clicking this link.
I hope this helps, if you have any other questions or suggestions on how this can be improved, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Margaret Mackay

Licence upgrades should be relevant to the specific category eg: request for an upgrade for administration.
The upgrade form that is now in place is a blanket up grade to any official to any category whether they can actually do the specific course request upgrade- besides cover Motorsport Australia in regards to legal issues.
Yes they certainly have to have knowledge on to handle situations in regards to Safety, how to handle people etc BUT they have to have a a very broad knowledge of what is required of an event administrator when taking on Administration of an event.
As per 2022 MA National Competiti9on Rule 74. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY OF THE EVENT
there is really nothing in the upgrade licence form that cover how they do their duty and what their capablies are to be really capable of doing the actual licence category.
Sorry I am struggling to access an application on the form that I have received
It covers MA (sorry to say Ma backside covers) but not what the actual task is that want an up grade on.


Motorsport Australia Admin

Hi Margaret,
Officials licence upgrades will work online exactly how you have suggested, with applicants only able to upgrade within their specific stream. For example, a Bronze Scrutineer will only be allowed to upgrade to a Silver Scrutineer, without any access to other Silver categories.

With regard to any issues with the NCR's or licence forms, we suggest you contact officials@motorsport.org.au for assistance.



Motorsport Australia

Status changed to: Planned